Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Publicise Your New Business enterprise

You've just set up a new lawn mowing business and a prospective customer has called you around to their property to quote on a price for mowing their lawn. Pricing a mowing job is one of the most important aspects of the lawn care business yet it can take time and knowledge before you can get your pricing right.

Many lawn care operators then quote at a rate of $1 per minute to achieve an average rate of $60 an hour. Don't be scared to ask for the full market value for your services as price-cutting is negative for the industry overall.

Pricing a lawn job is a real art that requires careful consideration of many factors and lots of testing over time.

Starting a Lawn Mowing Business - Pricing a Lawn

Keep your text to a minimum. The leaflet gives your customers or potential customers a more in depth impression of what it is that you do and is often their first impression of you and your company, therefore it is essential that you take time to give all aspects of the leaflet careful consideration.

For example if your logo is red a green leaflet will look awful with it. If you just want minimal information i.e. a short description of what your company does, logo and contact information then a smaller leaflet it better. The whole leaflet should be checked by you as well.